  1. Perfect


Traumatic history as a kid came into adulthood I did the best I could. I never felt appreciated or loved
Until I met you I remember when it was hard to express my feelings, never listening attentively, overly jealous and possessive. I never wanted to compromise but now I realize

I’m not perfect, that's not me. If we talking perfect it's you I see, I see if we’re being honest you make mountains move if we’re talking perfect I see perfect in you, in you in you in you.

Hell yeah I stumble and I fall, made mistakes before, but when I look at you I can't help but adore you your flaws and imperfections just really let me know who you are girl… in my eyes you shine just like a shootIng star
Your smile is like a beacon leading me through the night with you. I feel like everything will be all right.

I’m not perfect, that's not me. If we talking perfect it's you I see, I see if we’re being honest you make mountains move if we’re talking perfect I see perfect in you, in you in you in you.